19 February 2025

Restarting The Blog

I am restarting the blog I started in 2009.  It was always active but in the midst of the craziness of my life I had stopped blogging.  In fact I have not blogged for so long I could not remember where my blog was being hosted.  Thankfully for my wife she knew exactly where it was.  I was looking over this blog and found it was around Memorial Day 2014 since I last blogged.

When I started this blog I called it, "Life In This Multi-Color Leisure Suit."  This was in reference to the camouflaged uniform I wore while serving in the United States Army.  After 38 years and 3 days in uniform, in September 2022, I finally retired and for the most part hung up my uniform.  There has still been opportunities to wear a uniform but it now spends more time in my closet than on me.  With breathing life back into this blog I decided I needed to change the name so welcome to "Life After The Multi-Color Leisure Suit."

In the last week or so I have been feeling led by God to revive this blog as well as my other blog "Rambling Through Scripture" https://rmechapsdevotions.blogspot.com/.  These two blogs have two different purposes.  Rambling Through Scriptures is simply my ramblings as I work through the Holy Bible.  This blog, Life After The Multi-Color Leisure Suit, will look at various topics.  You could say it will be just my ramblings.  Sometimes it will be spiritual sometimes often times it won't be as spiritual as my devotional blog.  I do not separate my faith from who I am.  My faith is who I am and so often there will be spiritual overtones to anything I write.

The point of this blog is to simply share things about life.  In the past I have restricted what I shared on my blog simply to the fact that I was in uniform and as a Chaplain and commissioned officer I needed to be cautious in what I said.  Now that I am not in uniform I can be more open to share on many different topics.  I look forward to exploring with you my interests.  I do plan on being more political in this blog.  As a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army I had a responsibility to remain apolitical.  In other words I had my opinion about the political landscape but I kept much of my opinions to myself and in the voting booth.  I am learning to have a political voice which comes with great training because I am still that Soldier in uniform in my head.  When I do blog about the political landscape I will do my best to speak truth and hopefully as a chaplain provide some peace.

I have not decided on how often I will blog.  I am not sure if it will be daily because I am just not sure I have that much that is that important to say.  When I do blog my prayer is that it will not just be worth while for me to spend the time sharing but it will be worth your time to read.

Thank you for stopping by my blog.  If you are new here take the time to look at what I have written in the past.  The last time I wrote was almost 11 years ago.  Much in life has changed since I wrote those blogs.  There may still be some nuggets that will benefit you.  Do not forget to stop by my Rambling Through Scriptures blog.  The only thing new there, for me at least, is I have redesigned the page.  I will be doing my best to blog there on a daily basis concerning the scripture passages I am reading.  I pray that blog will help you grow in your walk of faith.  If you don't have a faith may you come to know the God I love with all my heart.



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