08 November 2012

Eighth Anniversary of Phantom Fury Nov 2004

Today marks the 8th anniversary of the assault on Fallujah, Iraq, known as Phantom Fury.  Due to good PR by the Marines the assault is often seen as a Marine assault.  In actuality it was group effort by all branches.  I like to say that the Marines could not handle it so they called in the Army who helped get their butts out of Fallujah.  The picture to the right is but part of the story of the units that were part of the attack or supported the attack.  I will not allow the Marines to take full credit for something that others fought along side them to do, rid the city of insurgents. 

When you look at this picture look at the unit on the far right.  "Army 2-2 INF" is the unit I was a part of during this time.  I was granted the honor by the U.S. Army to serve with TF 2-2 for three years.  The sector we were given as you can see was the west sector.  This was the industrial sector it was also beside the main highway out of town.  This is where the insurgents had their bomb and IED factories.  This is where some of the greatest fighting took place.

CPT Fred Dente and my assistant PFC Figaroa
You see the Marines had not been in Fallujah for three months.  When we arrived at Camp Fallujah the story is told that the Marines asked some of my joes what they did in our sector and cities in Iraq.  My Soldiers told them that we go into our cities we patrol them and rid them of the insurgents.  The Marines were shocked by this and said they had not been in their cities in three months.  Three months was plenty of time for the insurgents to gain a strong hold on the city of Fallujah.  And a strong hold they had.  They had taken US supplied barriers and used them for themselves.  Booby trapped homes.  Laid bombs and IEDs along the roads etc.  

SSG James Matteson
The fight that we were about to enter into on 8 Nov 2004 was not going to be an easy fight.  The projected losses were expected to be 50 to 80%.  My unit and I were prepared to do what we had to and prepared to pay the price because that is what we do.  Fortunately we had great leadership such as LTC Peter Newell, CPT Fred Dente, CSM Faulkenburg, SGM Bohn, 1SG Lewis, CPT Sean Sims, CPT Doug Walters, SFC Chris Simmons and others.  We had with us the best medical team a unit could ask for in doctors and medics.  This combination and the great Soldiers that were in TF 2-2 we were not going to allow there to be a 50 to 80% casualty rate.

SPC Jennifer Amato Smith
On November 8 we set outside the city and under the cover of darkness we breeched the north side of the city.  As 2-2 breeched through the raised train tracks that held booby traps and explosives the Marine unit beside us struggled with their breech in their area.  They had already lost three Marines attempting to do a breech.  They then called us and requested to use our breeched area because they could not get through.  Just one of several challenges the Marines had that we had to save their butts on.

The fight lasted two weeks.  In this time our unit used 900 rounds of artillery for our sector alone.  The amazing thing was we used that many rounds and one of the guns automatic loaders was down and they had to do it manually.  Untold rounds form Close Air Support (CAS) and countless rounds of small arms, 20mm, and tank rounds.  In the end we had only 43 casualties.  Most were returned to duty (RTD), 4 were evacuated to high hospital care yet would survive their wounds and eventually return to 2-2.  Four individuals would pay the ultimate price, CSM Steven Faulkenburg, 1LT Edward Iwan, CPT Sean Sims, and SSG James Matteson.

I will not sit by and allow the annals of history to record that the fight in Fallujah in Nov 2004, which is still studied to as one of the greatest battles of Iraq since the invasion, to be seen as just a Marines battle. For along the Marines fought amazing men and women of the Army and the greatest of these units in my opinion, as biased as it might be, was 2nd Battalion 2nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, known as the Ramrods and TF 2-2.

The Marines awarded TF 2-2 their patch as a combat patch as a form of thank you for what we did for them.  I wear that patch proudly today for two reasons.  One in honor of those men who died in the Battle of Fallujah and two because it makes the Marines mad that I can wear their patch and they cannot.  Here is to the men and women of TF 2-2 who are some of the most amazing people on earth.  May God bless them and their families.

17 October 2012


(Que patriotic thème music)

I was just outside taking care of a chore after watching the presidential debate. I started doing the chore with some since of frustration and concern over where this nation was heading.  As I mulled over the things that I have seen and heard concerning this election I suddenly found myself filled with a great sense of pride in this country.

Why pride when it seems there is more divisiveness then ever before.  At times there seems to be greater divides by race, creed, sexual orientation, etc then there has been in the past.  So why should I be proud in divisveness?  Why would I be proud over the fact that some of my friends who are ultra conservatives are in heated debates with some of my friends who are ultra liberal?  I am not proud because of the divisiveness and what seems to be direct attacks on one another.  No, I would prefer that we were all in the same place.  Yet the reality is that we are not.  None the less I am proud.

I am proud because in 1984 (insert Orson Wells book 1984 references now) as a senior in high school I went down and signed my name to join the Nevada Army National Guard.  This past September I celebrated 28 plus years of service in the United States Army, active and national guard.  I am proud of this country and it's election process.  I am proud of the freedoms, and the pursuit of liberty and happiness for all these reasons and the opportunity to minister to those who serve is why I signed my name on the dotted line.  I do not always agree with what friends and family say, yet this is one of the reasons I serve because I believe in the process.  I believe that we should be able to voice our opinions on Facebook without fear of censorship from the government like many countries.

Yes, I am well aware that as an commissioned officer and a member of the armed forces I do not always enjoy some of the same freedoms that I stand guard and protect for the citizens of this great country, like freedom to openly discuss our politicians.  None the less I am proud of this country.  In my time of service I have been to Honduras, Korea, Japan, Europe, Kosovo, Iraq, and Kuwait.  I have seen the worse of the world and the worse of countries.  I am proud that I do not live in places like Russia and Venezuela that has rigged elections, and it is just amazing that dictators are magically elected over and over.  I am proud that I do not live in places like Iran or China that censors and limits their citizens freedom to express themselves in an open forum.

What does bother me is when someone says I am not going to vote.  I understand their point.  I understand their frustration with the choice or lack of choice they feel they have.  I have indeed served and risk my life for them to have the right not to vote.  I have seen men be permanently injured and killed for this right.  For those who are considering this choice let me share a story with you and consider your choice.

In 2004 I was serving with a great group of men and women in 2-2 Infantry in Iraq.  During our deployment the first election in Iraq was held.  As the election time approached the enemy threatened the citizens were with their lives if they showed up to the polling areas.  At great risk to their lives and many having to travel great distance by both foot, car, and cart began arriving at the polling areas to place a vote.  While standing in line many polling areas were hit by rockets and mortars.  Lives were lost, people were injured.  Those in line would help care for the casualties and then get back in line to vote.

What are you willing to risk to ensure you keep what they were willing to lose.  Even if you vote none of the above you have allowed your voice to be heard.  If you choose to stay at home you have done nothing for the process and thus have no reason to complain for you silenced your voice.

Let us consider another fact that is as important and in some ways even more important then the Presidential Election.  What is more important in some ways is the election of our Senate and House of Representatives.  You want to have an impact consider that vote.  The president does nothing aside from executive order outside of those two houses.  The president that accomplishes much will not depend on an Republican or Democratic Congress.  The president that accomplishes much understands that he will be best served by working with congress.  So educate yourself on those who are running for those offices.  Ensure that we put the right people in there so that this country will move forward.

A final note to those that choose to hide or deny that the election process is even happening.  Take your head out of the sand.  Seek information and educate yourself and your family on the issues not on the individual.  For whether you like it or not in a few weeks an election will take place.  If you have not educated yourself and simply vote along party lines you may be the vote that puts someone in that on the surface is one thing and once in office turns out to be something else.

So I am proud of my 28 plus years of service to this great country because we have the rights to vote, to argue, to debate and at times agree to disagree.  You do not have to agree with the military but do not squander the time we have put to protect your rights.  Do not let the deaths of those who have served since the inception of this great country to be in vain.  Be proud of your country again and vote.

02 August 2012

Family Fued

This blog is about freedom.  Not about being for or against a certain ideology or belief.  It is not a theological discussion concerning homosexuality.  Those who know me know where I come from and know what I believe.I have dedicated my adult life to defending the freedoms of this country.  I have family and friends who have done the same.

I have sat back and half observed the rhetoric being thrown from both sides and yet no one is listening.  No one is hearing.  What should they be hearing?  They should be hearing the fore fathers as they write the constitution.  The men and women who over the last 237 years shed blood, sweat and tears building the greatest country on earth.  I have held friends as they breathed their last and sacrificed all so that we can have the freedoms to believe in or not to believe in the god of our choice.  To express their beliefs and though their beliefs are not accepted by all to be respected for holding to what they believe.

I may need to back up a bit.  Let you know where I come from.  I am a devote Christian and a minister.  I have several good friends and family who are homosexual.  They all know where I stand and yet more importantly they know that I love them with all my heart especially my beautiful daughter.

For those who are not aware it seems Mr. Cathy who owns Chick-fil-A has stated and backed with financial support his belief concerning marriage and family values.  Mr. Cathy considers himself a Christian and has attempted to maintain those beliefs and values as he created his fast food chain.  In fact he holds so strongly to his beliefs that he is willing to sacrifice income by ensuring his fast food restaurants are closed on Sundays.  This has caused an uproar across the country as lines are drawn and people go to their corners to come out fighting.

Politicians have chosen to voice their opinion and threatened to regulate Chick-fil-A because Mr. Cathy has a different opinion then they do.  This offends them yet at the same time those on the other side of the fence are not to be offended by what they say.  Here is the problem, when we start regulating individuals and companies freedoms in this country we only whittle away at some of our own freedoms.

You see what I and many others both gay and straight do everyday is put our lives in jeopardy in order for there to be a great country free to believe and express those beliefs.

I have to chuckle at some who call out for tolerance and acceptance and yet do not give it themselves.  Do you know what true freedom is?  True freedom of expression, religion, of speech is when two people can sit in a public place and express themselves and be accepted by each other.

So lets celebrate freedom.  Let's celebrate the diversity that makes this country so great.  Instead of tearing our family down in this family feud we are having lets renew our focus like we did after 9 / 11.  We do not have to worry about an outside enemy destroying our country we are slowly destroying it from within.  We are to be the example of what freedom is for the world instead all we do is destroy each other.

So today let us celebrate freedom.  Let us celebrate 237 years of men and women laying down their lives so that we can do exactly what we have done the last few days express our opinion, yet let us do it better.  For those on both sides who want to toss out that Jesus says to love one another then let us do just that, love one another instead of saying it and continuing to swing the club.

12 March 2012

Army Friends

Don Crow and his beautiful family
Friendships in the Army, and I imagine in the military as a whole (I can only speak about the Army for I have never served in the other branches) are typically made quick yet endure for years without even being near the individuals.  This may happen in the civilian sector too but I have not seen it to be as common a phenomenon as in the Army.

When you live in a world where you, or those around you, are often changing units, retiring, or just getting out of the Army every few years you learn to make friends fast, and often times those friends remain close long after you have each moved to new duty stations.

Don, seen in the picture above is one of those friends we made in the Army.  We met back in 1999 when I came on active duty.  Don was a company commander in the battalion that I was the chaplain for.  I was honored to serve with such a great Soldier and individual.  In the year that we served together we became what I would classify as good friends.  In 2000 Don went on to greater things as I remained with the battalion.  We remained in contact over the next few years.  Something that was more difficult without things like Facebook or other social media.  De'Dee and I were able to see Don again in 2002 when we made a trip down to Florida prior to our departure for Germany.

This week I had to make a trip for the Army as part of a training exercise to Maxwell AFB in Alabama.  Don had made the move back to Auburn, AL a few years ago so I look at a map in hopes that Auburn was near Maxwell.  I discoverd it was only 50 miles away.  Tonight I had the honor of having dinner with Don and his beautiful wife Katie.  It was nice to see Don and his family.  It may have been 10 years since we saw each other but it was as if no time had past.  I was honored to be able to share dinner with Don.  Thank you Don for traveling the miles to come share dinner.

Don is just one of the many we have met in our time being on active duty that have become friends with and remain good friends over the years.  They are scattered all over the world at this time.  Some are more like family then friends.

As we begin to transition this summer to another duty station, move 6 in 7 years, I look forward to seeing old friends who are already stationed there and making new friends.  It is an honor to serve and even greater honor to serve with some of the greatest people in the world.  People I call friends and family.

One of the amazing thing about friends in the Army is that soon you find out you are friends with people who are friends with your friends.  The Army is proof that there is only six degrees of seperation.  The other day I posted something on the status of one Facebook friend and a friend I met from another area posted a comment.  I had served with both in two different areas but neither at the same time.

It is an honor to serve but it is even a greater honor to call so many I have served with friends and family.  One day I will have to retire.  There are many things that I will miss about the Army one of the most I will miss is the friends.  I am thankful for social media that allows me to stay connected.  The good news is I have friends around the world that I can go visit.

03 February 2012

...don't be surprised if the world hates you. 1 John 3:13

I have been dwelling on something all day.  I had read an article written by an individual that was criticizing Tim Tebow for demonstrating his faith on the football field.  The author had watched an NFL Films hour long montage as they followed Tim on the football field.  She was offended that besides the standard words of encouragement that you may hear on the field he would pace the side lines talking how great God was.  How awesome God is.  He would also say such praises in the huddle.  She went on to be offended for his bowing in prayer or that he would put scripture references on his eye black when he was in college.  The author stated he should not be showing his faith because he represented the Denver Broncos and that was inappropriate because he may offend fans or fellow players.

Tim stirs emotions from both sides.  Those who are offended by his faith and those who are excited that he is such a great example.  Few are in the middle of the road.  Later in the day I read an article from someone else that felt that Tim had no right to express his faith on the field or off because he was under contract and was not being paid to have a faith.  Really?  He is not allowed to have a personal life.  He may just be too much of a positive influence on their children I guess.

This is not about Tim though.  This is about an attack on Christianity that seems to be increasing.  Tim is currently the figure that makes this issue stand out possibly more then ever.  The question that ran through my mind is, "What are people afraid of?"  It is like when AIDs first came on the scene.  Don't' get near me I may get contaminated by your Christianity.  Maybe Christians should walk around as they did in the Old Testament letting people know not to get close because their life may be change.  For most of the day I will admit I was infuriated.  The people that scream for tolerance are not tolerant of Christians.  Those who ridicule the Christians for being judgmental, intolerant, unforgiving and bigoted because of our faith are treating Christians in a way they don't want to be treated themselves.  They want to ensure their first amendment rights are protected but do not want the same for Christians.

A fellow chaplain recently stated that freedom was about being able to express yourself and people being willing to accept or reject.  Simply say that is nice but I don't believe that way and move on their way.  To be able to have open communication of ideas.

At first as I said I was infuriated.  To illustrate my point I had posted a link to an article where a retired Christian Army general decided to not speak at a West Point prayer breakfast because of the pressure the school was getting about his attending from outside sources.  The school ignored these sources so they went to the Army Chief of Staff.  After posting the article a friend commented on it and changed my attitude.  I was reminded that we should not be shocked when such things happen.  Yes, I, a chaplain, and I had to be reminded that scripture tells us that we should not be surprised by persecution.

Matthew 5:10 - 12 says, "10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for doing what God approves of. The kingdom of heaven belongs to them. 11 "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, lie, and say all kinds of evil things about you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad because you have a great reward in heaven! The prophets who lived before you were persecuted in these ways." (GWT)

Matthew 24:9-10 says, " 9 "Then they will hand you over to those who will torture and kill you. All nations will hate you because you are committed to me. 10 Then many will lose faith. They will betray and hate each other. (GWT)

In John 15 Jesus tells us the world is going to hate us.  "18 "If the world hates you, realize that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If you had anything in common with the world, the world would love you as one of its own. But you don't have anything in common with the world. I chose you from the world, and that's why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: 'A servant isn't greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they did what I said, they will also do what you say. 21 Indeed, they will do all this to you because you are committed to me, since they don't know the one who sent me. 22 If I hadn't come and spoken to them, they wouldn't have any sin. But now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 The person who hates me also hates my Father. 24 If I hadn't done among them what no one else has done, they wouldn't have any sin. But now they have seen and hated both me and my Father. 25 In this way what is written in their Scriptures has come true: 'They hate me for no reason.'"

1 John 3:13 says, "Brothers and sisters, don't be surprised if the world hates you."

There are many many more scriptures in both the Old and the New Testaments that reminds us that we should not be surprised about what is going on around us.  I know, we live in America.  Yes we have been blessed to live a good life.  We have become fat and lazy Christians.  We have been able to live a blessed unchallenged life until now.  James 1 says to count it all joy when we face trails and testings.  We have not had to endure what took place in many place of the world where Bibles had to be smuggled in.  We have not had to worry about being arrested like those in Iran for being Christian.

We have not had to worry about being put to death for our faith.  We have lived a life where for years the majority of the country at least accepted if not believed themselves.  It was a social norm to go to church.  We have had it good.  Yet when we face a little of what many Christians have faced we whine, "They are picking on me."  Maybe we should be more like Tim Tebow.  He has stared his critiques in the face and have remained strong in where he stands.

This may not make you feel better as you see the persecution increase in this great country.  Will you stand to the end or will you be blown away like chaff.  Jesus, Paul, John, Stephen, and the list goes on endured worse and remained faithful.  We can attack back or we can love.  We can get angry or realize that we must be going the right way.

Yes, I may still get offended and infuriated at the world's treatment of Christians.  I will not sit back and just let some things happen.  I will vote, write, or anything else I can do.  What will you do?

15 January 2012

Thyroid Cancer, Isolation, and a Healthier Bride

This is more a story about God's provision and protection then it is about thyroid cancer.  
Approximately 10 years ago my wife began dealing with a thyroid issue.  Did not seem to serious she simply had to take synthroid, a synthetic version of the hormone that a thyroid typically makes.  There have been some ups and downs over through the years but we seemed destined to simply fight for the care needed.  We fast forward to almost two years ago. She was going to a routine check up for her thyroid and the doctors were concern about the size and shape.  The concern was cancer.  They ordered ultrasounds and biopsies but did not peruse it further.

The summer of 2011 the Army moved me to Fort Leavenworth, KS to attend my next level of military education.  By this time De'Dee's thyroid had grown to the point that you could see it in her neck and it was begin to press on her throat and making it hard to breath and swallow.  Once we settled into our new home De'Dee went to the clinic to see if she can get some answers from new people.  With a little argument with the medical personnel she finally received a referral to a doctor off post.

In her first meeting with the doctor without the doctor even examining her and only looking at her records she recommended surgery.  No this was not a rash pass the patient off decision.  The doctor is quite good at what she does.  De'Dee had to do some lab tests and other examines to confirm what the doctor saw in her charts.

Once everything was confirmed De'Dee was referred to a surgeon.  Not just any surgeon but in my opinion one of the best in the area.  We met with him on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and requested the surgery be done as soon as possible.  The surgeon was going to be on call on Friday after Thanksgiving and suggested we do it then.  Perfect timing.  It was a four day weekend for me and De'Dee would be home and recovering before I had to go to school.  They removed the whole thyroid and the doctor did a beautiful job in the surgery to ensure that not only the thyroid was removed but the incision and the closing were a work of art.

Several days later we received the report from the lab concerning the thyroid.  It turns out that the doctors first impression almost two years ago and confirmed by the current doctor was accurate.  The thyroid was full of cancer.  As De'Dee's current doctor stated on her visit, "This should have been removed two years ago."

This is where we see God's hand of provision and protection.  We learned that the type of cancer, though the best to have for ease of treatment, was also the most aggressive type of cancer.  God protected De'Dee from the cancer spreading and contained it within the thyroid.  There was evidence that it was getting ready to spread further but God protected.

As far as God's provision that comes from the fact that he provided the right doctor at the right time.  Dr. Amanda Bell just set up her practice in the Kansas City area at the end of August 2011.  Just months after we first arrived to Fort Leavenworth.  Dr. Bell is not any doctor when writing her thesis her topic was on the specific type of cancer De'Dee had.  Add to this Dr. Bell is a former Army doctor.  This means she knew the TriCare insurance system and how to work the referrals in order to get De'Dee to not just the right people to care for her but get her to some of the best people.

This bring us to where we are currently.  On 10 January De'Dee took the final step in dealing with the thyroid cancer.  She took a radioactive iodine pill.  You see the thyroid is the only organ that process iodine.  Iodine is what it uses to produce the thyroid hormones we need for so many things.  After starving the thyroid of iodine for two weeks she took a iodine pill that was radioactive.  The thyroid tissues left, yes there are some tissues left because of the location they cannot remove it all it is too risky, suck up the iodine and the radioactivity kills the cancer.

Here is the catch.  For 10 days after she takes the pill she has to remain in isolation.  I can be no closer then 6 feet.  Cannot sleep with her or use the same latrine or shower as her.  So she is in the master bedroom for the 10 days.  We find it quite ironic that she is in solitary confinement on Fort Leavenworth (Fort Leavenworth is home of the military prison U.S. Disciplinary Barracks).

Humor aside I am proud of my bride.  She has endured dealing with this for a decade.  She has bravely endured the thought that it might be cancer for two years.  She now deals with life without human touch for 10 days.  She cannot even have the comfort of our dogs.  She is connected to the world by digits with her phone, iPad and laptop.  We have said that being a part during a deployment is easier.  What is a good feeling is after over 25 years of marriage I still desire to hold her, to simply be able to hold her hand.  The number of times I wanted to just enter the room over the last several days I cannot even count.

I have learned much about the thyroid over the last few years.  More over the last several months then ever before.  What I have been reminded the most about is that God cares.  His timing is perfect.  His ways are not our ways his ways are higher.  I have also been reminded that I have one of the greatest women in the world living in my home and I am honored to call her my wife.  Thanks to God's protection and provision I get to call her my wife for many years to come.