We came to Korea kicking and screaming. We had no desire or plans to come to Korea. In fact I had worked my career to avoid it. In someways I would have rather been down range in Iraq or Afghanistian than to be in Korea.
As we prepare to leave we leave kicking and screaming a bit. The kicking and screaming is not because we have necessarily enjoyed the country of Korea thought it does have some fine things. The kicking and screaming is because we have met some fine people here.
We have created friends that I think will last a life time. It is a small community here that you get to know everyone well.
None the less the move moves forward. We have begun the process of collecting what little we have to prepare it for the movers to come. Always a fun and challenging. You never know the quality of indivdiuals you get to pack your things up. We have had some that treated the items as if they were their own and than we had some that did not care if they put a heavy item on top of some fragile things.
You know God has a great sense of humor. You may not always be placed where you want to be but if you are looking you will find that it is where He needs you to be. We did not want to come to Korea but God placed us here and the ministry has been great. We had not intentions of ever being stationed at Fort Riley, KS but we find ourselves heading there. We look forward to what God has for us in Riley. We have always found ourselves blessed by the area and or by the people.
When God places you in a place you have a choice, whine or discover what God has for you.
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