01 February 2009

25 Random Things About Me

I considered the below a challenge to get to know myself along with letting others get to know me better. It was a challenge because I had to really contemplate who I am and what would be interesting for others to know. I recommend that you put this in to practice and make your own list and post it somewhere like Facebook.

  1. My greatest fear is losing my bride.
  2. My second greatest fear is losing one of my daughters
  3. I used to be a Military Police Sgt. and had God not called me to be a Chaplain I would still be an MP.
  4. I knew I was going to be a U.S. Army Chaplain at 10 years old.
  5. I am possibly one of the most competitive people you will ever meet. (Ask the officers of 266 QM Bn).
  6. I almost started an international incident while deployed to Iraq when a group of soldiers from the Republic of Georgia decided to get into a fight with me. (See #5 and read the book "House to House" to learn more, or ask me about the incident.)
  7. The car I have always wanted since I was 17 was a Karma Ghia.
  8. I will forgive many things, but the thing that will set me on end is to find out I have been lied to.
  9. Though I only weighed between 125 and 135 pounds in high school I played on the line as right guard and nose guard. (Again I refer you to #5)
  10. have my masters degree. Masters of Divinity (Theological Masters)
  11. I am often amazed that someone as beautiful as my wife saw past all my past and present and wanted a future with me.
  12. When I was in the 3rd or 4th grade I rolled out of the back of our Vega hatchback which was going about 45 mph.
  13. Of all the ribbons, medals, and other accolades I have received there are three that I cherish the most, 1. A bronzed and mounted drill sgt hat that I received from Delta Co. 1-28 when it was a basic training battalion and I was their chaplain. 2. The Combat Chaplain Cross I carry in my wallet that my infantry Soldiers gave me as I was leaving Iraq. My Soldiers said that since I could not wear the infantry badge I deserved a Combat Chaplains Cross. 3. A ceramic Soldier that Foxtrot Co. 1-28 gave me as a going away gift.
  14. Though I am not very good I enjoy playing Chess.
  15. I desired to be in the Army so much that at 16 I asked my Dad if there was away he could sign me up. He could not so on my 17th birthday my present to myself was enlisting in the Army National Guard.
  16. I am blessed that De'Dee has taught me about the finer things in life.
  17. I enjoy doing cross stitching.
  18. I own a '66 Mustang Coupe.
  19. My goal each morning is to walk humbly after my God.
  20. I drove school bus for 7 years while going to school and finishing the requirements to come on active duty.
  21. I have not drank a beer, and have only had a sip of wine.
  22. I started working at 12 years old at Taco Time and have always held a job since then.
  23. I have been to Korea (2x), Hondorus, Japan, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Kosovo, Macadonia, Kuwait, Iraq, and China, along with most of the United States.
  24. My first time to a Disneyland was Tokyo Disney. I have also been to Euro Disney. I have yet been to a Disneyland/world in the United States.
  25. The three things that I love to hear, 1. De'Dee's laugh, 2. My daughters calling me by their own favorite name (Old Man, Dad, Papi, Poppa, Daddy, etc), 3. Being called friend.

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